Taylor And Will IVF Treatment

Hallettsville, Tx (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Taylor And Will IVF Treatment

by Taylor Raabe

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $9,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $9,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Hallettsville, Tx (US)

Taylor Raabe is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Last year on April 17th 2022 I found out I was pregnant. Me and my fiancé were so excited to welcome our little bundle of joy into this world, I had always dreamed of being a momma. My dreams quickly came crashing down a few days after our positive pregnancy test. I started having excruciating pain in my side and all the way up my shoulder, I knew at this moment something was not right. I went to the emergency room and went through numerous blood draws and a number of scans to find out that I was experiencing the pain of an ectopic pregnancy in my right fallopian tube. I was admitted that night and given an injection the next day to try and dissolve my pregnancy. A couple of days later at my check up appointment my OBGYN told me that the injection didn’t work and I needed surgery to remove the pregnancy. I was scheduled for surgery on Monday however I went home that day and the pain just got worse. I went to the emergency room where I was admitted again and told that my tube had ruptured I had surgery that morning very early where the doctor was unable to save my tube due to the rupture. I had my right fallopian tube removed that day (Mothers Day) and we mourned the loss of my first pregnancy in the days after. January 15th 2023 I found out I was pregnant again and scheduled and appointment with my OBGYN immediately. My progesterone levels were normal and my HCG levels indicated early pregnancy, I kept telling myself everything was going to be okay and this pregnancy would be different. As me and my fiancé tried to be optimistic my body was telling me something was not right. Again I had excruciating pain in my side all the way to my shoulder. I went to the emergency room and the emergency room doctor did an ultrasound and came to my room to deliver the bad news, the doctor had told me that I was having another ectopic pregnancy this time in the left fallopian tube. We discussed my options but considering the pregnancy had already stretched out my fallopian tube there was a good chance that they wouldn’t be able to save my tube and that meant the possibility of never being able to conceive naturally but instead I would only be able to conceive through IVF. I held out hope and was admitted that night. The next morning I had a number of tests and scans ran again. I patiently waited for the doctor hoping that she would come in and tell me that she might be able to save my fallopian tube. However that wasn’t the outcome again my fallopian tube had ruptured and I needed to have it removed. That morning I went into surgery were they removed my right fallopian tube that morning. Me and my fiancé were devastated. Somehow I’ve kept it together and remain to have an open mind because I know someday we will have beautiful children even if it has to happen through IVF. I wanted to come on here and share my story in case I have any friends or even others that are going through the same things that me and my fiancé have gone through. Everything will be okay and there will be brighter days!!! #Raiseawareness#Ectopicpregnancy #Bilateralsalpingrctomy #Everythingwillbeokay